When Will the Mello Roos Tax End and What Does it Cover?
A common question I am asked regarding Placer County homes that have Mello Roos taxes is, "When will the mello roos tax end and what does it cover?".
In the past, when I was asked this question I typically instructed people to call the county accessors main office or visit the county offices in Auburn.
I have now discovered a resource that should allow home owners or interested home buyers to contact the person who is directly responsible for the particular assessment at the county.
On Placer County's website there is a Tax Bill Search Tool, which I have written about in the past.
This tool allows you to look up the tax bill and an itemized list of direct charges for a property, using the properties parcel number.
In addition to this tool, Placer County has now added a link to a .pdf document that has the contact number for each direct charge, including Mello Roos.
You can access the current list from the Tax Bill Search page, or you can view the 2007/2008 version by clicking Placer County Mello Roos Contact List.
If you want to know when a Mello Roos payment expires or what it covers, you can now find out by contacting the designated person on the list, rather calling the calling the counties main number or visiting thier offices, which may or may not lead you to the correct person.
I appreciate that the county has gone out of their way to put this type of information online. It goes a long way into helping home buyers make informed decisions about where to purchase their next home.
Hopefully they will continue to move as many of their public records and services online as possible.
Mello Roo # 61405 City of Lincoln Sorrento is no listed on your Mello Roo contact sheet. The charge is $1,767.00 per year. Signature pulled out of the first phase of homes and has not completed the park that these funds were to go for. Will the City of Lincoln keep Signature from starting future builds until they complete this phase. Also Why do we have to keep paying for something that probably will never be built. I feel taken by Signature and the City of LIncoln for allowing this.
Posted by: Sorrento | February 26, 2012 at 04:22 PM
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I have heard similar stories from many of the residents in developments started near the peak of the housing boom. Lots of promises left undelivered regarding schools, parks and other improvements. The links I provided in this post come directly from the Placer County website. We do not maintain the lists ourselves. If you contact Placer County you may be able to get more info from them.
-Patrick Hake
Posted by: Patrick Hake | February 26, 2012 at 04:40 PM
I just contacted the Kevin who handles City of Lincoln Sorrento CFD 05- MR about the Direct charge on my Tax bill. I was told when I purchased my home in Sorrento Villag 1 that this Mello Roo would expire in 20 years. I pay $1.950.040 per year on this Bond. I was told that City of Lincoln has increased it to 35 years for the future villages being built. Why is this bond not prorated to have newer home carrying more of the cost so the older homes age out at the 20 year mark that we were told by the builder.
Posted by: Ellen | November 09, 2015 at 01:17 PM
That doesn't sound very fair Ellen. I don't know the details for the bond and Kevin sounds like the right person to talk to. I assume that they charged the new bond to everyone, because they can, without considering whether it was the right thing to do. Whether the have the right to, I don't know. That would be a question for an attorney.
Posted by: Patrick Hake | November 09, 2015 at 01:28 PM