Cameron Park Homes for Sale and September - November 2010 Statistics
Cameron Park Homes for Sale
Of the 95 homes for sale in Cameron Park, 11 are bank owned homes, 25 are active short sales and 20 are short sales with accepted offers awaiting bank approval. That means 12% of the homes for sale in Cameron Park are bank repos and 47% are short sales.
The least expensive home for sale in Cameron Park is a 1,197 square-foot short sale contingent home on Winterhaven Circle, which is listed for $149,000. The most expensive home for sale in Cameron Park is a 7,042 square-foot home on 5.2 acres in Cameron Estates on Cameron Road, which is listed for $1,750,000.
To view the photos and details available for these homes, along with all other homes for sale in Cameron Park, click Cameron Park homes for sale.
Cameron Park Homes Pending Sale
3 of the 23 homes pending sale in Cameron Park are bank owned and 5 are short sales. That means 13% of the pending sales are bank repos and 22% are short sales.
Cameron Park Homes Sold Between September and November 2010 vs. September through November 2010
Of the 51 homes that sold in Cameron Park between May and July 2010, 19 were bank owned homes and 8 were short sales. That means 37% of the sales in Cameron Park were bank repos and 16% were short sales.
The least expensive home that sold in Cameron Park between September and November 2010 was a 1,496 square-foot short sale home on Tri Lane, which sold for its list price of $179,000. The most expensive home that sold in Cameron Park between September and November 2010 was a 3,221 square-foot home on 5.8 acres in Cameron Estates on Strolling Hils Road, which sold for $680,000 after being listed for $749,000.
Cameron Park Homes Sold Between September and November 2010 vs. September through November 2009
If you have any questions regarding these statistics or if you are interested in buying or selling a home in Cameron Park, please feel free to call us at 916-728-1981 or leave a comment below.