Fair Oaks Homes for Sale and January - March 2011 Statistics
Fair Oaks Homes for Sale
Of the 195 homes for sale in Fair Oaks, 31 are bank owned homes, 45 are active short sales and 28 are short sale contingent. That means 16% of the homes for sale are bank repos and 37% are short sales.
The least expensive home for sale in Fair Oaks is a 936 square-foot short sale contingent home on Toombs Street, which is listed for $95,000. The most expensive home for sale in Fair Oaks is a 6,073 square-foot home with American River views on Central Avenue, which is listed for $2,495,000.
To view the photos and details available for these homes, along with all other homes for sale in Fair Oaks, click Homes for Sale in Fair Oaks.
25 of the 83 homes pending sale in Fair Oaks are bank owned and 21 are short sales. That means 30% of the pending sales are bank repos and 25% are short sales.
Fair Oaks Homes Sold Between January and March 2011 vs. October through December 2010
Of the 108 homes that sold in Fair Oaks between January and March 2011, 42 were bank owned homes and 23 were short sales. That means 39% of the sales in Fair Oaks were bank repos and 21% were short sales.
The least expensive home that sold in Fair Oaks between January and March 2011 was a 1,071 square-foot bank owned home on Greenbrier Way, which sold for $89,250 at auction after being listed previously for $110,700. The most expensive home that sold in Fair Oaks between January and March 2011 was a 4,878 square-foot home on Hammersmith Lane, which sold for $899,000 after being listed for $850,000.
Fair Oaks Homes Sold Between January and March 2011 vs. January through March 2010
If you have any questions regarding these statistics or if you are interested in buying or selling a home in Fair Oaks, please feel free to call us at 916-728-1981 or leave a comment below.
thanks for the information. Could you tell me what my house was worth from January 1 to March 31? the home is in Fair Oaks and now it's listed for about $330,000 and has 2086 sq. ft.
Thank you,
Posted by: Carol | November 20, 2011 at 04:22 PM
Hello Carol,
To give an accurate opinion of value from that period, I will need more details. If you would like a complementary market analysis of your home, please provide us an address and more specifics at http://www.placercountyhomesandland.com/market-analysis.php
Posted by: Patrick Hake | November 20, 2011 at 05:59 PM