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September 16, 2011

Placer County Foreclosures Report for August 2011

In their monthly report for August 2011, www.Foreclosureradar.com has reported that the number of new foreclosure notices that were filed in Placer County was up 35% in August 2011 when compared to July 2011, but was down almost 13% compared to August 2010.

New Notices of Default were the driving force in the increase month over month where new fillings rose from 283 in July to 459 in August, which is a 62% increase.

This means a much larger number of people entered the initial stage of foreclosure this month compared to last.

In there monthly report the CEO of Foreclosureradar.com, Sean O'Toole has attributed most of the increase in sales to an increase in foreclosure activity by Bank of America. He states in the report, "Bank of America appears to be primarily responsible for the surge in foreclosure starts this month. Since their average time to foreclose has recently increased to more than a year, it is unclear that these foreclosure starts will lead to an increase in foreclosure sales anytime soon."

While the number of new foreclosure notices increased dramatically in August, the number of homes that were actually foreclosed on remained stable in August compared to July, but actually decreased 24% compared to August of last year.

The inventory level of homes in preforeclosure were up dramatically, due to the increase in new filings, while the inventory of homes with notices of sale were only up slightly.  The inventory of level of homes currently owned by banks was down slighly compared to July, but up a bit compared to August of last year.

The take away from this months report is that new filings for foreclosure were up dramatically. Whether this will lead to an increase in completed foreclosures in future months is unknown.

Placer County Foreclosure Filings for May 2011: 

  New Notice of Default New Notice of Trustee Sale Total New Foreclosure Filings
Aug 2011 459 340 799
Jul 2011 283 308 591
Aug 2010 459 456 915
  Back to Bank Sold to 3rd Party Total Foreclosed During Month
Aug 2011 133 46 179
Jul 2011 132 44 176
Aug 2010 184 53 237
  Total Preforclosure     Total Notice of Sale Bank Owned Inventory
Aug 2011 1909     1215 1311
Jul 2011 1400 1203 1344
Aug 2010 2028 1543 1253
Graph of Foreclosure Filings in Placer County
Graph of Foreclosure Outcomes in Placer County
Graph of Foreclosure Inventories in Placer County

Placer County Bank Owned Homes for Sale

Placer County Bank Owned Homes 

  1 month 1 year 5 years
  July 11 Aug 11 % Change Aug 10 Aug 11 % Change Aug 06 Aug 11 % Change
For Sale 180 185 2.8% 198 185 -6.6% 26 185 611.5%
New Listing 149 140 -6% 119 140 17.6% 12 140 1066.7%
Sold 120 124 3.3% 107 124 15.9% 0 124 n/a
Pended 112 134 19.6% 126 134 6.3% 2 134 6600%


Based off of data and graphs provided by Trendgraphix.com and Metrolist MLS, the number of bank owned homes listed for sale in Placer County in Metrolist MLS increased in August compared to July, but decreased compared to August of last year.

The number of new bank owned homes that were added to the market in August decreased when compared to June, but increased compared to August of last year.

The number of Placer County bank owned homes pending sale in August was higher when compared to July and August of last year.

The number of bank owned Placer County homes that sold in August was slightly higher than the number sold in July, but was nearly 16% higher than the number sold in August of last year.

The inventory level of bank owned homes in Placer County now stands at 1.5 months, which is about the same as last month, but a tad lower than in August of last year.

Placer County Short Sale Homes for Sale

Placer County Short Sales 

  1 month 1 year 5 years
  July 11 Aug 11 % Change Aug 10 Aug 11 % Change Aug 06 Aug 11 % Change
For Sale 340 314 -7.6% 503 314 -37.6% 0 314 n/a
New Listing 186 190 2.2% 243 190 -21.8% 0 190 n/a
Sold 129 142 10.1% 115 142 23.5% 0 142 n/a
Pended 226 288 27.4% 110 288 161.8% 0 288 n/a

Based off of data and graphs provided by Trendgraphix.com and Metrolist MLS, the number of short sales for sale in Placer County in Metrolist MLS was lower in August than in July, and was much lower than the number listed in August of last year.

The number of new Placer County short sale homes that were added to the market in August was up slightly compared to the number added in July, but down substantially compared to the number added in August of last year.

The number of Placer County short sale homes pending sale in August was up considerably compared to July and was nearly triple the number pending sale in August of las year.

The number of short sale Placer County homes that sold in August was up over 10% in August compared to July and up nearly 24% compared to August of last year.

It appears that the increase in short sales pending sale may now be leading to actual increase in short sales closing.

The inventory level of short homes for sale in Placer County now stands at 2.2 months, which is slightly lower than in July, but only about half the inventory level of August 2010.

If you have any questions about the statistics provided in this report, or if you are interested in buying a foreclosure home in Placer County, please feel free to contact us at 916-728-1981.


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