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June 13, 2012

Placer County Foreclosures Report for May 2012

Placer County ForeclosureIn their monthly report for May 2012, www.Foreclosureradar.com has reported that the number of new foreclosure notices that were filed in Placer County was approximately the same in May as in April, but was down just over 27% compared to May of 2011.

The inventory of level of homes currently owned by banks was down over 8% in May compared to April, and was down over 31% compared to May of last year.

The number of homes that were sold at foreclosure auction in May was down 24% compared to April and down nearly 60% compared to May of last year.

Investors purchased 48% of the 101 homes that were sold at foreclosure auction, while banks took possession of the remaining 52%.

Overall, each part of the foreclosure process seems to have either stalled or declined in Placer County during May when compared to both last month and last year.

Placer County Foreclosure Filings for May 2012:

  New Notice of Default New Notice of Trustee Sale Total New Foreclosure Filings
May 2012 270 193 463
Apr 2012 276 189 465
May 2011 307 331 638    
  Back to Bank Sold to 3rd Party Total Foreclosed During Month
May 2012 52 49 101
April 2012 83 50 133
May 2011 174 77 251
  Total Preforclosure Total Notice of Sale Bank Owned Inventory
May 2012 1332 1005 931
Apr 2012 1471 1005 1019
May 2011 1466 1286 1359
Graph of Foreclosure Filings in Placer County
Graph of Foreclosure Outcomes in Placer County
Graph of Foreclosure Inventories in Placer County

Placer County Bank Owned Homes for Sale

Placer County Bank Owned Homes May 2012

  1 month 1 year 5 years
  Apr 12 May 12 % Change May 11 May 12 % Change May 07 May 12 % Change
For Sale 83 70 -15.7% 173 70 -59.5% 141 70 -50.4%
New Listing 80 72 -10% 127 72 -43.3% 67 72 7.5%
Sold 109 104 -4.6% 116 104 -10.3% 35 104 197.1%
Pended 95 99 4.2% 136 99 -27.2% 19 99 421.1%

Based off of data and graphs provided by Trendgraphix.com and Metrolist MLS, the number of bank owned homes listed for sale in Placer County in Metrolist MLS decreased substantially in May compared to April and dropped by an even greater amount compared to May of last year.

The number of new bank owned homes that were added to the market in May decreased as well when compared to April and May of last year.

The number of Placer County bank owned homes pending sale increased slightly in May compared to April, but was down considerably compared to May of last year, but this was due to a lack of new listings, not a lack of demand.

As with the decline in pending sales, the number of bank owned homes that sold in Placer County declined in May when compared to April and May of last year, but due to a lack of bank owned homes listed for sale, not a lack of demand.

Inventory levels of bank owned homes in Placer County are at about 3 weeks. We used to measure the inventory of REO properties in months.

Placer County Short Sale Homes for Sale

Placer County Short Sales May 2012

  1 month 1 year 5 years
  Apr 12 May 12 % Change May 11 May 12 % Change May 07 May 12 % Change
For Sale 118 125 5.9% 368 125 -66% 0 125 n/a
New Listing 169 185 9.5% 189 185 -2.1% 0 185 n/a
Sold 124 128 3.2% 136 128 -5.9% 0 128 n/a
Pended 222 262 18% 200 262 31% 0 262 n/a

Based off of data and graphs provided by Trendgraphix.com and Metrolist MLS, the number of short sales for sale in Placer County in Metrolist MLS was higher in May than in April, but was much lower than the number listed for sale in May of last year.

The number of new Placer County short sale homes that were added to the market in May was higher in May compared to the number added in April, but was slightly lower than the number added to the market in May of last year.

The number of Placer County short sale homes pending sale in May was higher compared to April and May of last year.

The number of short sale Placer County homes that sold in May was higher than the number sold in April, but was lower than the number sold in May of last year.

Despite all the progress in listing more short sales and putting more of them in contract, it seems that getting them approved and closed is still an uphill battle.

The inventory level of short sale homes for sale in Placer County now stands at 1 month, which is unchanged from April, but is 1.7 months less than April of last year.

If you have any questions about the statistics provided in this report, or if you are interested in buying a foreclosure home in Placer County, please feel free to contact us at 916-728-1981.


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