Listed below are excerpts from posts we have made about Recent Sales. If you are interested in reading the full post, just click on the title.
February 10, 2013:
Placer County Real Estate Sales January 8th - February 3rd, 2013
There were 62 homes, 3 condo, 3 parcels of land and 1 fourplex that sold in Placer County during the week between January 28th and February 3rd, 2013 in Metrolist MLS. 13 of the properties sold were bank owned and...
Comments: 0 | Categories:
Placer County Real Estate ,
Recent Sales |
Placer County Homes and Land
February 8, 2013:
Folsom Real Estate Sales November 2012 - January 2013
There were 212 homes, 25 condos, 4 parcels of land and 1 duplex and 1 fourplex that sold in Folsom between November 2012 and January 2013 in Metrolist MLS. 16 of the properties sold were bank owned and 86 were...
Comments: 0 | Categories:
Folsom Real Estate ,
Recent Sales |
Placer County Homes and Land
February 7, 2013:
Orangevale Real Estate Sales November 2012 - January 3013
There were 109 homes, 4 condos, 1 halfplex, 1 parcel of land and 1 duplex that sold in Orangevale between November 2012 and January 2013 in Metrolist MLS. 16 of the properties sold were bank owned and 44 were short...
Comments: 0 | Categories:
Orangevale Real Estate ,
Recent Sales |
Placer County Homes and Land
February 6, 2013:
Placerville Real Estate Sales November 2012 - January 2013
There were 127 homes, 1 halfplex, 9 parcels of land and 1 duplex that sold in Placerville between November 2012 and January 2013 in Metrolist MLS. 26 of the properties sold were bank owned and 33 were short sales. The...
Comments: 0 | Categories:
Placerville Real Estate ,
Recent Sales |
Placer County Homes and Land
February 5, 2013:
El Dorado Hills Real Estate Sales November 2012 - January 2013
There were 150 homes, 4 condos, 11 parcels of land and 0 duplexes that sold in El Dorado Hills between Novebmer 2012 and January 2013 in Metrolist MLS. 13 of the properties sold were bank owned and 40 were short...
Comments: 0 | Categories:
El Dorado Hills Real Estate ,
Recent Sales |
Placer County Homes and Land
February 3, 2013:
Placer County Real Estate Sales January 21st - 27th, 2013
There were 62 homes, 3 condos, 2 parcels of land and 0 multi-unit investment properties that sold in Placer County during the week between January 21st and January 27th, 2012 in Metrolist MLS. 7 of the properties sold were bank...
Comments: 0 | Categories:
Placer County Real Estate ,
Recent Sales |
Placer County Homes and Land
January 27, 2013:
Placer County Real Estate Sales January 14th - 20th, 2013
There were 82 homes, 2 condos, 2 parcels of land and 0 multi-unit investment properties that sold in Placer County during the week between January 14th and January 20th, 2012 in Metrolist MLS. 9 of the properties sold were bank...
Comments: 0 | Categories:
Placer County Real Estate ,
Recent Sales |
Placer County Homes and Land
January 25, 2013:
Auburn, CA Real Estate Sales October - December 2012
There were 135 homes, 14 condos, 5 parcels of land and 1 duplex that sold in Auburn, CA between October and December 2012 in Metrolist MLS. 16 of the properties sold were bank owned and 41 were short sales. The...
Comments: 0 | Categories:
Auburn, Ca Real Estate ,
Recent Sales |
Placer County Homes and Land
January 24, 2013:
Lincoln, CA Real Estate Sales October - December 2012
There were 266 homes, 9 condos, 2 parcels of land and 0 Duplexes that sold in Lincoln, California between October and December 2012 in Metrolist MLS. 248 of the properties sold were bank owned and 90 were short sales. The...
Comments: 0 | Categories:
Lincoln, Ca Real Estate ,
Recent Sales |
Placer County Homes and Land
January 23, 2013:
Granite Bay Real Estate Sales October - December 2012
There were 95 homes, 4 parcels of land and 0 multi-unit income propertie that sold in Granite Bay between October and December 2012 in Metrolist MLS. 3 of the properties sold were bank owned and 20 were short sales. The...
Comments: 0 | Categories:
Granite Bay Real Estate ,
Recent Sales |
Placer County Homes and Land